
    The Hunger and Homelessness initiative sponsors George’s Free General Store, a food pantry that runs on donations from community members.


    To uphold the spirit of the Honor Code, all users of the Free General Store will:

    • Take only what you need — others also need the support, and this is a shared resource;
    • Donate when and what you can, so that this effort can continue;
    • 请把自己和别人的餐后收拾干净! 擦柜台,洗碗, clean out the sink, and sweep the floor after using the kitchen;
    • Appliances/Cookware/Plates/Cutlery are to be used on site (do not take home);
    • Leave constructive comments and suggestions so we can improve!
    • 你想来就来吧!


    The pantry is available for any student at 九州娱乐官网.


    Place items in the collection box located in the center of the main downstairs corridor 霍德森公馆.


    在网上做礼物. 选择“其他”,输入“乔治百货商店”."

    请联系 肖恩·布里尔 了解更多信息.


    The pantry is located in the Goose Nest within Hodson Hall Commons.

    How can I accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences?

    请考虑 donating items that reflect diverse dietary needs and lifestyle choices: carnivore, gluten-free, keto, nut-free, vegan, vegetarian.


    来支持我们的 可持续发展和健康目标,尽量避免:
    - "ultraprocessed" products: more than five ingredients in a disposable packet
    - products manufactured with industrial fats (vegetable oil, canola, cottonseed, soy, 向日葵、红花)



    Eco-friendly and non-toxic products are better for people and the environment, and 和其他肥皂和洗涤剂一样有效吗. 请不要捐赠物品 with fragrances and dyes, as these may be harmful chemicals or pollutants. 核对 soon for a complete listing of recommended products available in our area.



    The following foods support diverse dietary approaches and are selected from the Food 倡议的 营养储藏室建议.

    动物产品: bone broth, canned anchovies, canned sardines, canned tuna, canned wild caught salmon

    工厂产品: canned artichokes, nori, olives, organic popcorn, sweet 锅atoes, unsweetened coconut 薄片,蔬菜汤

    脂肪: aged cheese, avocado oil, ghee, coconut milk, coconut oil, olive oil

    干果: 枣、无花果、柿子、西梅、葡萄干

    坚果和种子: almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower 种子、核桃

    巧克力: cacao nibs, dark chocolate (85% or higher), Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips; cocoa 粉(荷兰人)

    甜味剂: 黑糖蜜,纯枫糖浆,生蜂蜜


    • 有机咖啡
    • 早餐麦片/速溶燕麦片
    • 早餐/格兰诺拉燕麦棒
    • 微波食品
    • 罐装豆类
    • 水果罐头
    • 肉罐头
    • 罐头汤
    • 蔬菜罐头
    • 除臭
    • 乳液
    • 妆擦
    • 卫生巾/棉条
    • 洗发水/护发素
    • 肥皂/沐浴露
    • 牙刷
    • 牙膏
    • 无谷蛋白面
    • MAC和奶酪
    • 花生酱和果冻
    • 意大利面
    • 拉面和日式烧面
    • 大米(白米和糙米)




    • 2 oz. 鹰嘴豆或扁豆意面
    • ½ cup No-sugar added marinara sauce or can diced tomatoes 
    • 2汤匙帕尔马干酪


    1. Place 意大利面 in microwave safe bowl and fill with water until completely covered
    2. Microwave uncovered for 3-5 minutes, or until 意大利面 reaches desired texture
    3. 从意面中滤出水分,备用
    4. (Optional) Microwave marinara or diced tomatoes for 30 seconds, then pour on 意大利面
    5. 上面撒上帕尔马干酪


    • 1包辣椒调味粉
    • 我可以(14).5 oz.)西红柿丁,不排水
    • 1罐(16盎司).)芸豆,沥干水,洗净 
    • 1罐(15盎司).)番茄酱 
    • 1杯水


    1. 在小碗中混合水和调味料 
    2. Pour mixture into instant 锅 with tomatoes, beans, and tomato sauce without stirring
    3. 关闭速溶锅盖,并将阀门设置为密封状态
    4. 在炖肉档上煮10分钟. 烹饪完成后迅速释放压力, 打开盖子,搅拌


    • 2 oz. 鹰嘴豆或扁豆意面
    • 2汤匙罗勒香蒜沙司
    • 半杯罐装白豆,沥干水并冲洗干净 
    • ¼ cup canned artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
    • ¼ cup canned sun-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped
    • 盐和胡椒粉调味


    1. Place 意大利面 into microwave safe bowl and cover with water
    2. 微波炉加热5分钟,或者直到你想要的质地
    3. Mix in beans, artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes, and pesto
    4. 用盐和胡椒粉调味 


    • 半汤匙柠檬汁(可选)
    • 1汤匙特级初榨橄榄油
    • ½ cup canned cannellini beans (or any type of white bean), drained and rinsed 
    • 半罐金枪鱼,沥干水
    • 2汤匙意大利红椒,切碎
    • 盐和胡椒粉调味


    1. Combine lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkle of salt and pepper in a bowl. 
    2. 加入豆子、金枪鱼和辣椒.
    3. 加入适量的盐和胡椒粉 


    • 2 14 oz. 几罐沥干的鹰嘴豆 
    • 半茶匙大蒜粉
    • 三分之一杯罐装芝麻酱 
    • 4汤匙柠檬汁
    • 3汤匙橄榄油
    • 3 / 4茶匙海盐
    • 1茶匙孜然粉
    • 3 / 4茶匙辣椒粉
    • 按需浇水 



    1. Combine chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic powder, cumin, paprika, and remaining salt in a blender or food processor and let sit for 5 minutes (do not blend yet)
    2. 加入芝麻酱拌匀. Add cold water 1 tbsp at a time while blending until the mixture 是光滑的 
    3. Add more salt to taste, drizzle with olive oil, and top with paprika


    • 2.5汤匙椰子油
    • 半杯爆米花仁
    • 你对调味料的选择(例如. 盐、肉桂、肉豆蔻、坚果、糖等.)


    1. Turn instant 锅 on to saute setting and select either “more” or “high”
    2. Let the 锅 sit until the display says “high”, then add coconut oil and let it completely 融化 
    3. Add 3 popcorn kernels and stir until they 完全被油覆盖了吗. 把 锅盖上.
    4. When the kernels start to pop, add in the remaining kernels and mix them until they 完全被油覆盖了吗 
    5. 用玻璃盖盖住锅盖,盖子稍微半开. 爆米花应该会开始冒出来了 大约3分钟.
    6. Remove lid and stir unpopped kernels to the bottom to allow for them to pop
    7. Once the majority of kernels are popped, pour the popcorn into a separate bowl and 上面放上你选择的调味料


    • 1茶匙橄榄油
    • 2杯钢切燕麦
    • 两杯你喜欢的牛奶
    • 1杯水 
    • 1茶匙肉桂粉
    • 1汤匙枫糖浆



    1. Coat the bottom of the instant 锅 with olive oil
    2. Add oats, milk, water, cinnamon, and syrup into the instant 锅 and mix
    3. Cover and set the valve to seal then select the manual function at high pressure. Set the timer to 10 minutes for chewy oats or 14 minutes for creamier oats. 
    4. Let the s茶m naturally release for about 10-15 minutes before opening 
    5. Stir oats and let sit for several minutes to thicken 


    • 1.5杯印度香米
    • 什锦蔬菜2罐 
    • 4杯低钠蔬菜汤 
    • 3 / 4茶匙洋葱粉
    • 3 / 4茶匙大蒜粉
    • 1 / 4茶匙干牛至
    • 盐和胡椒粉调味 


    1. Add all of the ingredients into the instant 锅 and stir. 盖上盖子,密封 锅. 设置为高压22分钟. (煮15-20分钟 达到压力)
    2. When the cooking time is done, allow the pressure to naturally release for 10 minutes. Then release the remaining pressure and open the lid. 
    3. 加入盐和胡椒粉调味


    • 1罐什锦蔬菜
    • 我可以吃意大利式番茄丁
    • 我可以品尝北方豆
    • 1罐黑豆,沥干水,冲洗干净 
    • 4杯低钠蔬菜汤 
    • 盐和胡椒粉调味 



    1. Add all ingredients into the instant 锅 and mix. 
    2. 将盖子盖在速溶锅上并密封. 关闭压力释放阀. 设置为 手动,高压5分钟
    3. When done cooking, either quick release s茶m or allow 20 minutes for a natural release 


    当地食品储藏室资源 在肯特郡都可以买到吗.

    Students in need of financial assistance may request emergency funds using our 在线表单.



    •2022年3月- WC新闻
    〇2021年10月 的榆树
    2019年11月— 的榆树


    请考虑 制作礼物 为了支持这项工作. 选择“其他”,输入“乔治百货商店”.谢谢你!



    Food security begins by knowing what is available and how to prepare it. 这里的食物 Initiative provides resources and guidance for reconnecting with food.


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